Overnight Care

Our waking and sleeping night care services guarantee a peaceful night's rest, ensuring comfort and security. They are particularly beneficial for individuals who live alone or families who need some respite.

What Is Overnight Care?

Overnight care is when a carer stays with a client under their care for the duration of the night.

Overnight care service provides essential support to people who require assistance during the night. This service guarantees a peaceful night’s rest by ensuring comfort and security. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who live alone or families who need some respite.

  • Assistance with Night time Activities

Overnight caregivers are available to assist individuals with various nighttime activities, such as toileting, repositioning, getting in and out of bed, and managing any nighttime needs or emergencies.

  • Monitoring

Caregivers monitor the individual’s safety and wellbeing throughout the night, including checking for signs of discomfort, pain, or distress. They may also assist with medication management and provide support for any medical conditions or mobility issues that may arise during the night.

  • Fall Prevention

Caregivers help prevent falls and accidents during the night by ensuring that the individual’s environment is safe and free from hazards. They may also provide assistance with mobility and transfers to minimize the risk of falls.

  • Respite for Family Caregivers

Overnight care can provide much-needed respite for family caregivers who may need a break or time to rest during the night. Knowing that their loved one is in capable hands allows family caregivers to recharge and take care of their own needs.

  • Sleep Support

For individuals who have difficulty sleeping or have sleep-related issues, overnight caregivers can provide support and assistance to promote better sleep hygiene and improve sleep quality.

  • Emergency Response

Overnight caregivers are trained to respond quickly and appropriately to any emergencies that may arise during the night, such as sudden illness, falls, or other medical crises.

Types of Overnight care

Overnight care encompasses various types of caregiving services provided during the nighttime hours to support individuals who require assistance or supervision. Here are some common types of overnight care:

Here are some common types of overnight care

Sleep-in Service

A sleep-in service is when the Care Professional sleeps in your home while you sleep. This type of service is ideal for those who do not need care during the night, but who are uncomfortable being alone and want the reassurance of knowing there is someone nearby should they need help. This can especially be the case for those with progressive conditions such as dementia that can leave someone feeling confused, disoriented, or stressed – having a familiar face on hand can alleviate feelings of isolation or loneliness.

Knowing there is a Care Professional sleeping close by gives peace of mind and can improve overall wellbeing, because you or your loved one are able to sleep well without anxiety. The sleep-in service may also include assisting you to bed in the evening or preparing breakfast when you wake in the morning.

Waking Night Service

A waking night service is when the Care Professional is awake and on duty throughout the night at your home. This service is ideal for those who wake frequently throughout the night needing care and support, such as assistance to the bathroom, personal or continence care, regular repositioning especially after an accident or injury, medication administration, or help orientating to the time of day in order to return to sleep.

Our care is always personalised to your needs, meaning we can revisit your overnight care options whenever you require, or if there is a change in circumstances. Whatever your situation, our Care Professionals are on hand to ensure you live well at home, your way.

Start receiving night care in under 24 hours!

Need emergency support? We endeavour to offer expert home help within 24 hours.

From the moment you call our friendly customer support team, we’ll make it our priority to ensure you get the respite support you need as quickly as possible, for a minimum seven-day period.